Resolution A/HRC/53/L.10 on the right to education was adopted during the 53rd ordinary session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, between 19 June and 14 July 2023. 


ESPAÑOL     FRANÇAIS      العربية

La Resolución A/HRC/53/L.10 sobre el derecho a la educación fue adoptada en la 53ª sesión ordinaria del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas, entre el 19 de junio y el 14 de julio de 2023.



La résolution A/HRC/53/L.10 sur le droit à l'éducation a été adoptée lors de la 53e session ordinaire du Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies, entre le 19 juin et le 14 juillet 2023.



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RTE's background paper for the Global Education Monitoring Report 2017/8: Accountability in education: Meeting our commitments.

The purpose of the paper is to show how a human rights-based approach offers insights and practical solutions to address the accountability deficits found in both education policy decision-making and implementation, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Specifically, the paper argues that a human rights-based approach to accountability can bolster public policy accountability by defining the responsibilities of authorities, ensuring they are answerable for actions regarding those responsibilities, and how they can be subject to forms of enforceable sanctions or remedial action for failures to carry out those responsibilities.

The second half of the paper explores the prevalence of the right to education in national laws and the conditions necessary for the right to education to be successfully adjudicated at the national level. It provides an overview of how countries have incorporated the right to education in their domestic legal orders, as well as a list of countries where the right to education is justiciable. This is complemented by a series of case studies that draw out the requirements for successful adjudication at the national level.

This paper examines court cases from countries around the world to identify the conditions that enable the right to education to be realised through adjudication.

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This documented was submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education in February 2023, in response to a call for contributions for a report she is developing for the UN Human Rights Council.

In this general comment, the Committee emphasizes that the rights of every child must be respected, protected and fulfilled in the digital environment. This document is the result of a two-year consultation with States parties, inter-governmental organizations, civil society, national human rights institutions and children. Over 700 children and young people, aged between nine and 22 years old in 27 countries, were asked how digital technology impacts their rights, and what actions they want to see taken to protect them.

Articles pertaining to the right to education: 99-105


Dans cette observation générale, le Comité des droits de l'enfant souligne qu'il est urgent de s'attaquer aux effets néfastes de la dégradation de l'environnement, et plus particulièrement du changement climatique, sur la jouissance des droits de l'enfant, et précise les obligations des États en matière de lutte contre les atteintes à l'environnement et le changement climatique. Le Comité explique également comment les droits de l'enfant prévus par la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant s'appliquent à la protection de l'environnement et confirme que les enfants ont droit à un environnement propre, sain et durable.



In this general comment, the Committee on the Rights of the Child emphasizes the urgent need to address the adverse effects of environmental degradation, with a special focus on climate change, on the enjoyment of children’s rights, and clarifies the obligations of States to address environmental harm and climate change. The Committee also explains how children’s rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child apply to environmental protection, and confirms that children have a right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.



يق دم هذا التقرير الذي أعدته المقررة الخاصةة ةم الم نيم قالي لت الت يري لريدة ،ةة ةاسدي قمنا ةة ة م الذكرى السةة ةنويم الخامسةة ةم وال اةة ةرين ناةة ةاة الوحيم المت قم قالي لت الت يرة وتقدم المقررة الخاصةة ةم لت التت تيققت لت هذا المجالي وكيفيم لار الي لت الت ير واحلتزامات المترت م تقريرها ا ت ارضا لإلنجا ازت ع يهي لضةة ع عن القضةةايا الم اصةةرة والنا،ةةنم التت يت سن النجر لساا من أجف ضةةمان الي لت الت ير ل جمي ي لت الوقت الياضر ولت المستقبفة



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En un mundo que se enfrenta a la fragmentación social, a las desigualdades perjudiciales y al deterioro del medio ambiente, necesitamos ahora, más que nunca, una educación pública de calidad, transformadora e integradora. Mientras nuestros sistemas políticos luchan por resistir a la autocracia y fomentar la democracia, la educación pública y gratuita puede ayudar a crear un público bien informado con capacidad para abordar estos retos mundiales.

El público apoya a la educación pública, y la educación pública funciona.

Firmen la declaración (como individuo o como organización) y únase a nosotras y nosotros en el proceso de incidencia política hacia los Estados para desarrollar todo el potencial de la educación pública. ¡Nuestro futuro depende de ello!



ENGLISH     العربية     FRANÇAIS  
