Dignité -The Human Right to Education in Haiti

A film about the education system in Haiti from the citizens’ perspective.

In Haiti, around 50% of boys and girls of mandatory school age are not enrolled in school (UN, 2013). Public schools make up just 12% of the total number of existing schools, according to the most recent school census (2011). School infrastructure is poor; this is reflected in the fact that 76.8% of primary schools do not have electricity. Regarding the quality of education, 79% of primary school teachers have not received any kind of basic training.

Some Children are More Equal than Others: Education in South Africa

Two decades after Apartheid was apolished, Some Children are More Equal than Others focuses on how the educational system in South Africa relates to the flagrant inequalities in the country and its still growing wealth-gap. In a nutshell, education in SA operates as a "Tale of two Systems." On the one hand there are 20 % of privileged people who send their children to a functioning schooling system. On the other hand, education is drastically failing 80 % of the children in South Africa. This self-perpetuating circle results in over 50 % youth-unemployment.

École obligatoire : la scolarisation des enfants Roms à l'école élémentaire Marie Curie de Bobigny, France

Nombre de familles de Roms migrants s’attachent a faire en sorte que leurs enfants puisse être scolarisés et maintenir ainsi un pont culturel entre leur communauté et « le reste du monde ». Pourtant, la vie itinérante, le démantèlement régulier des campements et le rejet dont sont objet les communautés sont un lourd handicap dans leur parcours d’intégration. L’école de la République permet de maintenir ou ce créer ce lien social et certaines familles l’ont bien compris.

Privatisation de l'éducation : Le nouveau défi des droits de l'homme pour les pays en développement

Conférence donnée à Sciences Pô paris, le 18 Mars 2015 à 17h, comprenant:

  • Une allocution de Kishore Singh, Rapporteur spécial de l’ONU sur le droit à l’éducation
  • Une présentation d’études de cas de privatisations au Chili et au Népal par la Clinique de l’École de Droit de Sciences Po
  • Les réflexions d’Olivier De Schutter, universitaire et membre du Comité des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels de l’ONU

End Military Use of Schools

Around the world, armies and rebel groups are taking over schools and universities, turning safe places of learning into places of war. In classrooms, soldiers sleep and store weapons. In school offices, they detain and torture suspects. Playgrounds become training grounds. School grounds become battlegrounds.

This video is to accompany the End Military Use of Schools Campaign (EMUS) led by Human Rights Watch Student Task Force, Human Rights Watch Children’s Rights Division and Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack.

Education Can’t Wait

This video presents the work of the Education Cluster and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE). The vision of both bodies is to enable all children and young people to have immediate access or ensured continuity to a quality education in a safe environment, in order to protect, develop and facilitate a return to normality and stability.

Child Marriage: Malawi

The government of Malawi should increase efforts to end widespread child and forced marriage, or risk worsening poverty, illiteracy, and preventable maternal deaths in the country.
According to government statistics, half of the girls in Malawi will be married by their 18th birthday, with some as young as age 9 or 10 being forced to marry. Malawi faces many economic challenges, but the rights of girls and women, including the right to education, should not be sacrificed as a result.
