16 Décembre 2022

On 8 December, the seventh resource in the How-to Child Rights series was launched at an online webinar hosted by Save the Children and featuring a range of speakers including the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, a atate representative, and child rights experts and practitioners from civil society and UN agencies, in a discussion on the importance of following- up to UN human right resolutions.

The focus of the resource and session was How to Use United Nations Human Rights Resolutions to Advance Children’s Rights. Some of the key questions asked were what happens to UN resolutions after their adoption and how useful they are for advancing children’s rights, with the responses to these questions seeking to support those working at country level and for whom UN human rights resolutions could support their work.

As part of the webinar, guidance was launched whose aim was to inspire and enable all civil society practitioners and advocates to make the most of human rights resolutions that have been adopted by the United Nations (UN) in order to advance children’s rights, especially in their countries.  Furthermore, participants discussed strategies and practical tips on how to drive the implementation of child rights and make use of their content in the daily work of civil society practitioners.  

Among the speakers present were Anita Goh, Child Rights Specialist, and independent consultant; David Boyd, UN Special rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment; Carla Giovanoni, Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the UN in Geneva; Rajib Ghosal, Senior technical advisor at Save the Children; and Mia Dambach, Executive Director of Child Identity.

The How-to Child Right series is led by Save the Children and developed in close collaboration with the Right to Education Initiative, Child Rights Connect, UPR Info, Child Rights Coalition Asia, Consortium of Street Children, ECPAT, Child Identity Protection, International Bureau for Children’s Rights, and Plan International.

The recording session is available to watch in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. 










 Read the new tool here, and view all of the How to Child Rights series here.