Report to the CESCR for the 7th review of the UK - The UK international development cooperation in the area of education: updates and recommandations

This report was submitted to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for the 7th review of the UK. It is an update of a first report submitted in 2023. It covers:

  • The major concerns raised by the International Development Committee of the UK Parliament about the UK’s investments as part of Overseas Development Aid (ODA)

Right to Education: confronting inequalities by addressing privatisation, digitalisation and crisis situations

Geneva Dialogue on the Right to Education was held on 18 and 19 June 2024 and organized by the Swiss Commission for UNESCO, UNESCO, the University of Geneva, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), and the REGARD network.

Les organisations de la société civile demandent aux investisseurs dans Bridge International Academies à se désinvestir immédiatement, d'enquêter et d'y remédier les problèmes soulevés

45 organisations de la société civile reçoivent avec inquiétude le rapport d'enquête de conformité du Bureau du conseiller-médiateur (Compliance Advisor Ombudsman, CAO) sur l'investissement de la Société financière internationale (SFI) de la Banque mondiale dans les Bridge International Academies (BIA, également connues sous le nom d'écoles NewGlobe), et reconnaissent ses graves conclusions concernant les allégations d'abus sexuels sur des enfants dans la chaîne d'écoles à but lucratif de l'entreprise au Kenya.


Civil society organisations call on investors in Bridge International Academies to divest urgently and to address concerns raised

45 civil society organisations receive with concern the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman’s (CAO’s) Compliance Investigation Report into the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) investment in Bridge International Academies (BIA, also known as NewGlobe schools), and acknowledge its grave findings regarding allegations of child sexual abuse at the company’s for-profit chain of schools in Kenya.



L'avenir du droit à l'éducation : Document de recherche et d’orientation concernant l'initiative sur l'évolution du droit à l'éducation

Ce document de recherche et d’orientation étudie certains aspects du droit à l'éducation qui pourraient nécessiter un ancrage plus solide dans le cadre normatif international et une expansion potentielle pour le 21st siècle. L'éducation numérique, la mobilité croissante des personnes, l'évolution démographique, le changement climatique et les attentes en matière de possibilités d'apprentissage tout au long de la vie ne sont que quelques-uns des domaines qui mettent à l'épreuve les limites du cadre normatif international existant.

Bringing into focus the future of the right to education: Policy-oriented research paper as part of the Initiative on the evolving right to education

This policy-oriented research paper investigates some of the aspects of the right to education that might require a stronger footing in the international normative framework and potential expansion for the 21st century. Digital education, increasing human mobility, changing demographics, climate change, and expectations of opportunities for learning throughout life are just a few of the areas that are testing the limits of the existing international normative framework.

استعادة التعليم الرسمي للجميع

في عالم يواجه التَّمزق الاجتماعي، والتفاوت البيئي والمناخي؛ نحتاج إلى التعليم الرسمي ذي الجودة والتحول والشمول الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى. بينما تكافح أنظمتنا السياسية لتعزيز الديمقراطية، وإرساء قيم المواطنة، ومكافحة التمييز، مما يمكن التعليم الرسمي المجاني من خلق جمهور مستنير متمكن وقادرٍ على التعامل مع هذه التحديات العالمية.


Recuperar la educación pública para todas y todos

En un mundo que se enfrenta a la fragmentación social, a las desigualdades perjudiciales y al deterioro del medio ambiente, necesitamos ahora, más que nunca, una educación pública de calidad, transformadora e integradora. Mientras nuestros sistemas políticos luchan por resistir a la autocracia y fomentar la democracia, la educación pública y gratuita puede ayudar a crear un público bien informado con capacidad para abordar estos retos mundiales.

El público apoya a la educación pública, y la educación pública funciona.

Reclaiming Public Education for All

In a world facing social fragmentation, harmful inequities, and environmental deterioration, we need quality, transformative, inclusive public education now more than ever. As our political systems struggle to resist autocracy and to foster democracy, free public education can help create a well-informed public with the capacity to address these global challenges.

The public supports public education, and public education works.
