César Alan Rodríguez

En esta decisión, el Juzgado en lo Contencioso Administrativo y Tributario N. 1 de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires encontró que el derecho a la educación de un niño con discapacidad había sido vulnerado cuando la institución educativa no le otorgó un certificado oficial de finalización de sus estudios secundarios aun cuando el estudiante había cumplido con todos los requisitos de su proyecto pedagógico individual (PPI) porque no había cumplido con los contenidos mínimos bajo la normativa local.

Rapport annuel 2016 consacré aux droits de l'enfant : "Droit fondamental à l’éducation : une école pour tous, un droit pour chacun"

Ce rapport est le premier rapport du Défensuer des droits français à être consacré au droit à l'éducation depuis la création d'une autorité indépendante chargée de défendre les droits des enfants. Il porte sur l'effet des inégalités sociales et territoriales et des discriminations sur l'accès à l'école et sur le maintien dans l'école pour de nombreux enfants. Le rapport aborde les sujets ressortant le plus fréquemment des saisines reçues par l'institution et relatives aux difficultés de scolarisation des enfants, au sein de l'école publique.

Too many children left behind: Exclusion in the Inclusive Education System

A mother in Manguzi in northern KwaZulu Natal told SECTION27 of her 17 year old son, Siyabonga Dlamini who has never been to school because he is deaf and has never had the opportunity to learn sign language. The child was put on a waiting list for a special school when he was 8 years old but at 12 he was rejected for being too old.

18 Agosto 2016

Malaysia: The Right to Education for Children with Learning Disabilities - Focusing on Primary Education

The new SUHAKAM report aims to increase the number of children with learning disabilities receiving inclusive and quality primary education by raising awareness of the challenges they experience in this regard, and identifying the gaps in information about education for these children. It is also designed to help build connections between government agencies and civil society to promote more participatory, transparent and accountable education policy.

'Complicit in Exclusion' - South Africa’s failure to guarantee an inclusive education for children with disabilities

This 94-page report found that South Africa has failed to guarantee the right to education for many of the country’s children and young adults due to widespread discrimination against children with disabilities in enrolment decisions. Human Rights Watch research in five out of South Africa’s nine provinces showed that children with disabilities face discriminatory physical and attitudinal barriers, often beginning early in children’s lives when government officials classify them according to their disabilities. 
