A separate but equal classroom?: The Indian desegregation

‘In the field of public education, the doctrine of "separate but equal" has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.'

In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court made the above declaration in the case of Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, and found that segregated schooling on the basis of race was unconstitutional. Nearly six decades later, the view remains equally significant in light of a different basis of segregation: that of children with disabilities.

8 Marzo 2018

Accountability in education: Meeting our commitments (2017-8 youth version)

SDG 4, right to education, global education monitoring report, sustainable development goals

This youth report, based on findings and conclusions from the 2017/8 Global Education Monitoring report, asks how young people are involved in the process of accountability in education. As students, what are we responsible for in our education and how are we held accountable? How can we make sure other actors–like schools, universities and governments–are held accountable for their responsibilities?

Learners with disabilities go to court in South Africa for appropriate school transport

The South African Constitution guarantees everyone the right to a basic education, but the Department of Basic Education estimates that 597,000 children with disabilities (out of 829,000) are out of school. Many of these children are not in school because there is, quite simply, no transport that they can use to get to school. 

The mother of a child with a physical disability explains how the absence of transport is experienced:

7 Noviembre 2017

Informe de la Relatora Especial sobre el derecho a la educación sobre el papel de la equidad y la inclusión

En este informe, la Relatora Especial examina el papel que representan la equidad y la inclusión en el fortalecimiento del derecho a la educación, en particular en el contexto del logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. La Relatora Especial concluye pidiendo a los Estados que adopten medidas positivas importantes para hacer frente a la discriminación, la inequidad y la exclusión en la educación a fin de asegurar que se logran los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.

The state of the world's children 2013: children with disabilities

The 2013 edition of The state of the world’s children is dedicated to the situation of children with disabilities. The report examines the barriers – from inaccessible buildings to dismissive attitudes, from invisibility in official statistics to vicious discrimination – that deprive children with disabilities of their rights and keep them from participating fully in society.

Include Us! A study of disability among Plan International's sponsored children

Based upon Plan International's dataset of 1.4 million sponsored children, the report compares sponsored children with a disability to those without, from 30 countries worldwide. The report, produced in collaboration with London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, reveals that children with disabilities in developing countries are being held back from an education. The findings will help Plan International - and other researchers and organisations - to improve responses to the needs of children with disabilities, particularly their health and education.
