L'avenir du droit à l'éducation : Document de recherche et d’orientation concernant l'initiative sur l'évolution du droit à l'éducation

Ce document de recherche et d’orientation étudie certains aspects du droit à l'éducation qui pourraient nécessiter un ancrage plus solide dans le cadre normatif international et une expansion potentielle pour le 21st siècle. L'éducation numérique, la mobilité croissante des personnes, l'évolution démographique, le changement climatique et les attentes en matière de possibilités d'apprentissage tout au long de la vie ne sont que quelques-uns des domaines qui mettent à l'épreuve les limites du cadre normatif international existant.

Bringing into focus the future of the right to education: Policy-oriented research paper as part of the Initiative on the evolving right to education

This policy-oriented research paper investigates some of the aspects of the right to education that might require a stronger footing in the international normative framework and potential expansion for the 21st century. Digital education, increasing human mobility, changing demographics, climate change, and expectations of opportunities for learning throughout life are just a few of the areas that are testing the limits of the existing international normative framework.

“Limited Potential” The Right to Higher Education in France Impact of Place of Origin and of Cost on Inequality

This report shows how a student’s place of origin within France, that is, the region in which they live prior to the beginning of their studies, coupled with their socio-economic background can mean that the cost of education, which is heavily influenced by the structure of the French higher education system, poses a significant barrier to their enjoyment of the right to higher education. 

Las Leyes Generales de Educación en América Latina – El Derecho como Proyecto Político

Campaña Latinoamericana y IIPE-UNESCO lanzan estudio sobre "Las Leyes Generales de Educación en América Latina - El derecho como proyecto político".

La investigación analiza en qué medida las leyes generales de educación vigentes en la región promueven la realización del derecho humano a la educación y la consolidación de los Estados como garantes de ese derecho.

Dichotomy of technical vs. general education: Challenging the indivisibility of the right to education

I was very pleased to be invited by UNESCO to participate in the Asia Pacific Conference on Education and Training (ACET) that took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from August 3 to 5. It was organized jointly by UNESCO and the Ministry of Education, Malaysia, with participation from 48 countries. The timing of the Conference couldn’t have been better, right after the World Education Forum in May and before the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Summit in September.

18 Agosto 2015
