From Free to Fee - Are For-Profit, Fee-Charging, Private Schools the solution for the world’s poor?

RESULTS Educational Fund’s report “From Free to Fee”, investigates World Bank’s basic education investments through its private lending arm (the IFC). The report seeks to explore if IFC investments in education reach the poorest groups and help reduce extreme poverty. From Free to Fee provides evidence from IFC funded schools in Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa, and presents recommendations for the World Bank, the IFC, and other investors on how to more effectively end poverty through basic education.  

League of Women Voters of Wash. V State

The Washington Supreme Court ruled that an Act establishing and funding charter schools as common schools was unconstitutional. The Court held that charter schools are not ‘common schools’ under Article IX of Washington’s Constitution. Thus, the use of funds restricted by the Washington Constitution to support common schools under the Act was unconstitutional. Also, because the funding provisions were integral to, and not severable from, the Act, the Court held the Act to be unconstitutional in its entirety.

Gannon v State

In these three related decisions, the Kansas Supreme Court held that legislative changes to K-12 school funding, which reduced state-aid payments augmenting funds generated through property taxation in school districts with lower property values, violated the Kansas constitution. Article 6 of the Kansas constitution has previously been interpreted by the Kansas Supreme Court to require equity and adequacy in the provision of financing for education.

McCleary v State

The Washington Supreme Court ruled that the State failed to comply with its duty to make ample provision for the education of all children in Washington through dependable and regular tax sources. The evidence showed that the State’s funding levels fell short in the areas of basic operational costs, student transportation, and staff salaries.

La Financiación Importa: Herramientas para la financiación interna de la educación

Este juego de herramientas ha sido producido por la Campaña Mundial por la Educación (CME) en colaboración con ActionAid International (AAI), la Internacional de la Educación (IE) y con la financiación de la Alianza Mundial por la Educación (AME). Tiene por objeto apoyar a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y a los activistas por la educación  de países de ingresos bajos y medios para su lucha y sus campañas respecto a asuntos relacionados con la financiación de la educación, como área de enfoque estratégico del movimiento CME.

Were Afraid for Their Future - Barriers to Education for Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan

“Today, Syrian refugee children in Jordan face a bleak educational present, and an uncertain future. Close to one in three—226,000 out of 660,000—Syrians registered with the United Nations refugee agency in Jordan are school-aged children between 5-17 years old. Of these, more than one-third (over 80,000) did not receive a formal education last year.”
