Principios Rectores De Los Desplazamientos Internos

La comunidad humanitaria está cada vez más consciente de la crisis del desplazamiento interno que afecta a más de 20 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Aunque la responsabilidad de la protección de las personas internamente desplazadas incumbe primordialmente a los gobiernos nacionales y a las autoridades locales, conviene que la comunidad internacional examine la mejor manera de contribuir a mejorar la protección de esas personas en situaciones de conflicto y de crisis.

Informe del Relator Especial de la ONU sobre el Derecho a la Educación: Financiación de la Educación y una actualización de la Situación de la Educación en Situaciones de Emergencia

El presente informe se ha preparado de conformidad con las resoluciones 8/4 y 17/3 del Consejo de Derechos Humanos. Está dedicado a la financiación nacional de la educación básica. Se detallan las obligaciones de derechos humanos sobre la financiación de la educación y se proporcionan ejemplos prácticos de marcos jurídicos nacionales que garantizan la financiación nacional. El informe contiene también una actualización de la situación de la educación en situaciones de emergencia, de conformidad con la resolución 64/290 de la Asamblea General.

Story from the Gaza Strip: How the restriction of freedom of movement has affected my right to education

My name is Ayman Qwaider. I am 27 years old and I was born and raised in the Gaza Strip. I was lucky to study in Spain and I now live in Australia with my wife, Sameeha, who was recently awarded a PhD Scholarship in Perth. I am currently studying for a PhD on education policies and social reform. Our dream to pursue higher education became true after facing huge hurdles. But many other Palestinian students from Gaza are still dreaming and will likely never see their dreams come true.

30 Mayo 2014

Education Denied: Israel’s Systematic Violation of Palestinian Children’s Right to Education

The report, Education Denied: Israel’s Systematic Violation of Palestinian Children’s Right to Education, was prepared for the July 2011 High-Level Segment of UN-ECOSOC in Geneva, Switzerland and reviews the implementation of the education-related Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of the United Nations Development Agenda in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).

INEE Module 14: Human Rights and Accountability - Hand-out 3

This module was developed by RTE with the Education Cluster Working Group (ECWG) and an advisory committee of experts for direct input into the module. It is aimed at practitioners who work on education in emergencies. The module seeks to create awareness of the human rights framework as a tool for achieving quality education. With presentations, hand-outs, interactive dialogue and exercises, it guides participants to identify duty-bearers, actions to support rights-holders, and lines of accountability available to affected populations and education actors.

INEE Module 14: Human Rights and Accountability - Hand-out 2

This module was developed by RTE with the Education Cluster Working Group (ECWG) and an advisory committee of experts for direct input into the module. It is aimed at practitioners who work on education in emergencies. The module seeks to create awareness of the human rights framework as a tool for achieving quality education. With presentations, hand-outs, interactive dialogue and exercises, it guides participants to identify duty-bearers, actions to support rights-holders, and lines of accountability available to affected populations and education actors.

INEE Module 14: Human Rights and Accountability - Hand-out 1

This module was developed by RTE with the Education Cluster Working Group (ECWG) and an advisory committee of experts for direct input into the module. It is aimed at practitioners who work on education in emergencies. The module seeks to create awareness of the human rights framework as a tool for achieving quality education. With presentations, hand-outs, interactive dialogue and exercises, it guides participants to identify duty-bearers, actions to support rights-holders, and lines of accountability available to affected populations and education actors.

INEE Module 14: Human Rights and Accountability - PowerPoint Presentation

This module was developed by RTE with the Education Cluster Working Group (ECWG) and an advisory committee of experts for direct input into the module. It is aimed at practitioners who work on education in emergencies. The module seeks to create awareness of the human rights framework as a tool for achieving quality education. With presentations, hand-outs, interactive dialogue and exercises, it guides participants to identify duty-bearers, actions to support rights-holders, and lines of accountability available to affected populations and education actors.

INEE Module 14: Human Rights and Accountability - Overview

This module was developed by RTE with the Education Cluster Working Group (ECWG) and an advisory committee of experts for direct input into the module. It is aimed at practitioners who work on education in emergencies. The module seeks to create awareness of the human rights framework as a tool for achieving quality education. With presentations, hand-outs, interactive dialogue and exercises, it guides participants to identify duty-bearers, actions to support rights-holders, and lines of accountability available to affected populations and education actors.
