Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education: Contributions of the right to education to the prevention of atrocity crimes and mass or grave violations of human rights

In the present report, the Special Rapporteur considers ways in which the right to education contributes to the prevention of atrocity crimes and mass or grave human rights violations. Stressing that education has a key role to play at all stages of prevention, the Special Rapporteur underlines the particularly forceful preventive potential of the right to education in the very early stages, before warning signs are apparent. That role is to be linked with the aims of education and the right to inclusive and equitable quality education, as established in international instruments.

Rapport du Rapporteur Spécial sur le droit à l'éducation : Financement de l'éducation et mise à jour sur l'éducation dans les situations d'urgence

Ce rapport est consacré à la question du financement national de l’éducation de base. Il passe en revue les obligations de financement de l’éducation des États en vertu des droits de l’homme et fournit des exemples concrets de cadres juridiques nationaux qui garantissent un financement national. Le rapport contient également une mise à jour sur l’éducation dans les situations d’urgence, conformément à la résolution 64/290 de l’Assemblée générale.

La pandemia sacude los sistemas educativos de todo el mundo

La UNESCO informa que 119 países han cerrado sus escuelas a nivel nacional desde el brote del COVID-19, interrumpiendo el aprendizaje y la educación de aproximadamente 897 millones de estudiantes. Millones más podrían verse afectados conforme más países ordenen el cierre de escuelas.

19 Marzo 2020

Contribución del derecho a la educación a la prevención de crímenes atroces y violaciones masivas o graves de los derechos humanos

En el presente informe, la Relatora Especial examina la forma en que el derecho a la educación contribuye a la prevención de crímenes atroces y violaciones masivas o graves de los derechos humanos. Destacando que la educación desempeña un papel fundamental en todas las etapas de la prevención, la Relatora Especial subraya el potencial preventivo particularmente contundente del derecho a la educación en las etapas tempranas, antes de que se hagan evidentes las señales de alerta.

Right to education handbook

Education is a fundamental human right of every woman, man and child. In states’ efforts to meet their commitments to making the right to education a reality for all, most have made impressive progress in recent decades. With new laws and policies that remove fees in basic education, significant progress has been made in advancing free education. This has led to tens of millions of children enrolling for the first time and the number of out of school children and adolescents falling by almost half since 2000.

Global Education Monitoring Report 2019-Migration, displacement and education: Building bridges, not walls

UNESCO’s 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report, Migration, displacement and education: Building bridges not walls, highlights countries’ achievements and shortcomings in ensuring the right of migrant and displaced children to benefit from a quality, inclusive education, a right that serves the interests of both learners and the communities they live in. 

Read the report, here.

'I Will Never Go Back to School' - The impact of attacks on education for Nigerian women and girls

Attacks on education by the insurgent group Boko Haram have caused horrific and long-term suffering for female students and teachers in northeastern Nigeria. Boko Haram has abducted over 600 girls and young women from school during the nine-year conflict, with some held in captivity for years, and many experiencing harmful repercussions long after they return home.

State of Palestine: country report on out-of-school children

Education is the right of every child. It empowers children to thrive. It helps promote greater civic engagement and peaceful communities. It is the most effective investment against child poverty and one of the best economic investments a country can make. This is why every child should be in school. Every child must have access to quality education, so they can fulfill their potential.
