SDG 4: Quality Education - a legal guide

Quality education is fundamental to sustainable development. Education is the one of the most powerful tools by which people can lift themselves out of poverty and fully participate in their communities. SDG 4 sets specific targets to address the challenges of achieving quality education universally, and provides a comprehensive framework to reaching inclusive and equitable quality education for all. Beyond enrolment rates, SDG 4 puts a welcomed emphasis on quality education and learning outcomes. This Guide takes a deep dive into how the law can play a large role in achieving SDG 4.

GEM Report 2021/2: non-state actors in education: who chooses? who loses?

Non-state actors’ role extends beyond provision of schooling to interventions at various education levels and influence spheres. Alongside its review of progress towards SDG 4, including emerging evidence on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact, the 2021/2 Global Education Monitoring Report urges governments to see all institutions, students and teachers as part of a single system. Standards, information, incentives and accountability should help governments protect, respect and fulfil the right to education of all, without turning their eyes away from privilege or exploitation.

Engagement du Secteur Privé dans L’Éducation en Situations d’Urgence : Droits et réglementations

Les efforts, pour assurer une éducation inclusive et de qualité pour toutes et tous, ont suscité des appels en faveur d’un engagement plus important du secteur privé, affirmant que les entreprises et les fondations peuvent jouer un rôle important en tant que partenaires dans la réalisation de l’Objectif de Développement Durable n° 4 (ODD 4).

Repenser nos futurs ensemble : un nouveau contrat social pour l'éducation

L’avenir de l’humanité sur la planète est, nous le savons aujourd’hui, compromis. La pandémie a eu au moins le mérite de démontrer combien nos existences sont fragiles et combien nos destins sont inextricablement liés. Il est nécessaire et urgent désormais, d’agir collectivement pour changer de cap et réinventer notre avenir. Dans ce tournant, l’éducation jouera un rôle crucial pour sa capacité, universellement reconnue, à provoquer le changement.

Global Partnership Strategy for early childhood, 2021-2030

The efficient design and delivery of early childhood policies and services are critical to ensuring long-term learning opportunities and improved learning, behaviour, employment, and health outcomes amongst individuals. Research in neuroscience, developmental psychology and cognitive science has revealed that quality early childhood education, supportive communities and a positive family environment serve as important building blocks to promote healthy development amongst infants and toddlers.

Working paper | Public education works: five lessons from low- and middle-income countries

In recent decades, governments have made considerable efforts to provide education for all. However, a large gap remains between international commitments, such as the Sustainable Development Goal 4, and the actual achievement of equitable quality education for all. As a result, certain actors often critique public education as ineffective and inefficient, and thus incapable of addressing this issue. They argue for privatisation as a solution, deeming private providers as more innovative and effective than public ones.

Pour une inclusion dans l’éducation dès la petite enfance : De l’engagement à l’action

L’inclusion doit faire partie des engagements prioritaires dès la petite enfance. Selon les dernières estimations de l’Institut de statistique de l’UNESCO, le nombre d’enfants de moins de 6 ans non inscrits au pré-primaire a diminué au cours de la dernière décennie, passant de 52,1 millions, en 2009, à 47,2 millions, en 2018. Malgré cette avancée, cette situation reste très préoccupante, compte tenu de la relation entre l’accès aux services d’éducation inclusive et de protection de la petite enfance et le développement, le bien-être de l’enfant et la réussite scolaire.

Inclusive early childhood care and education: From commitment to action

Inclusion should be a principal commitment from early childhood. According to the latest estimates from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the number of children not enrolled in pre-school in the year before primary school has decreased over the past decade, from 52.1 million in 2009 to 47.2 million in 2018. Despite this progress, the large number of children still excluded from pre-school is a major concern, given the strong evidence linking access to inclusive early childhood care and education (ECCE) with school success, overall development, and well-being.
