Education Under Attack 2022

A global study of attacks on schools, universities, their students and staff, in 2020 and 2021.

Education is under attack around the world. From Afghanistan to Colombia, Mali to Thailand, students and teachers are killed, raped, and abducted, while schools and universities are bombed, burned down, and used for military purposes.

Documenting Education Under Attack: Five key lessons for collaborations between civil society organisations and journalists

Documenting the impact of conflict on education is a complex, time consuming and often dangerous process, whose consequences may be difficult to witness. Inthis context, the relationship between journalists and civil society organisations (CSOs) can be incredibly fruitful. They often share a common aim: to make the world aware of attacks on education and their immense costs to individuals, to communities, and across entire generations. Journalist-CSO partnerships can shed light on injustices, tell powerful human stories, and lead to redress and lasting change for those who have suffered.

Free to Think 2021: Report of the Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Monitoring Project

Around the world, higher education communities are overwhelmed by frequent attacks on scholars, students, staff, and their institutions. State and non-state actors, including armed militant and extremist groups, police and military forces, government authorities, off-campus groups, and even members of higher education communities, among others, carry out these attacks, which often result in deaths, injuries, and deprivations of liberty.

UN Security Council Resolution 2601 (2021) - the protection of education in armed conflict

On 29 October 2021, the 15-member UN Security council adopted a unanimous resolution, hailed as the first of its kind, which condemns attacks against schools, children and teachers and urges conflict parties to immediately safeguard the right to education. Importantly, the resolution makes explicit the links between education, peace and security. 




Education Under Attack: a guidance note for journalists and photographers

Changes in the media market after the end of the cold war, the development of new technologies and the hindering consequences of multiple economic crises have strengthened collaboration between journalists, photographers, videographers, and NGOs. Media reporting on conflict zones can play an enhanced role in helping civil society organisations (CSOs) to document attacks on education and CSO knowledge and connections could help journalists uncover important stories from the front lines. 

Monitoring Education Under Attack from a Human Rights Perspective

This monitoring guide is designed to help civil society organisations monitor education under attack from a human rights perspective. It will guide you through:

I: the importance of monitoring

II: give you advice on what to look for and how to collect data

III: provide you with a list of indicators you might want to look at

IV: give recommendations on how and who to report to when identifying violations of the right to education. 

Kit pratique pour collecter et analyser les données sur les attaques contre l’éducation

Si les données sur les attaques contre l’éducation sont devenues plus largement disponibles grâce à une meilleure prise de conscience et aux efforts des organisations nationales et internationales et des organes de contrôle, des lacunes de données critiques subsistent. Les systèmes de signalement peuvent être absents, médiocres ou déconnectés des réponses efficaces aux attaques contre l’éducation.

Toolkit for Collecting and Analyzing Data on Attacks on Education

While data on attacks on education has become more widely available thanks to better awareness and efforts by national and international organizations and monitoring bodies, critical data gaps remain. Reporting systems may be absent, weak, or disconnected from effective responses to attacks on education. Monitors, as well as victims and witnesses, may face threats to their safety, or insecurity may prevent monitors from accessing areas where attacks occur. As such, many attacks and incidents of military use go unreported, undermining efforts to calculate their prevalence.
