This module was developed by RTE with the Education Cluster Working Group (ECWG) and an advisory committee of experts for direct input into the module. It is aimed at practitioners who work on education in emergencies. The module seeks to create awareness of the human rights framework as a tool for achieving quality education. With presentations, hand-outs, interactive dialogue and exercises, it guides participants to identify duty-bearers, actions to support rights-holders, and lines of accountability available to affected populations and education actors.

The module includes an overview, a PowerPoint Presentation and three hand-outs ( Hand-out 1, Hand-out 2 and Hand-out 3).

The report, Education Denied: Israel’s Systematic Violation of Palestinian Children’s Right to Education, was prepared for the July 2011 High-Level Segment of UN-ECOSOC in Geneva, Switzerland and reviews the implementation of the education-related Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of the United Nations Development Agenda in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).

The report informs that the the achievement of the MDG on education is  proving unattainable as a result of illegal policies enacted as part of Israel’s longstanding occupation. By denying Palestinian children full access to high-quality primary education, Israel, the Occupying Power, is failing to comply with its binding obligations under international law.

Through this report, PCHR asks that the international community take all appropriate measures to end Israel's repeated violations of international law which inhibit basic human rights, including education, and development goals in the oPt.

This report begins by examining some of the explicit and implicit causes of attacks on girls’ education during peacetime and in situations of crisis, including settings of armed conflict, political instability and widespread criminal violence. It looks at the impact of attacks against girls accessing education on their rights to and within educational systems as well as the broader consequences of these attacks on the promotion and protection of human rights through education by focusing on the linkages between education and a host of other civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. The applicable international legal and policy framework is then outlined and the situation of girls accessing education within settings of crisis, political instability and conflict is analysed in greater detail. The final section of the report provides several recommendations to States and other stakeholders aimed at preventing and redressing violations of girls’ rights to, within and through education.


La comunidad humanitaria está cada vez más consciente de la crisis del desplazamiento interno que afecta a más de 20 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Aunque la responsabilidad de la protección de las personas internamente desplazadas incumbe primordialmente a los gobiernos nacionales y a las autoridades locales, conviene que la comunidad internacional examine la mejor manera de contribuir a mejorar la protección de esas personas en situaciones de conflicto y de crisis. Debemos también concebir una asistencia humanitaria que promueva la protección de las personas internamente desplazadas.

Dentro del sistema de las Naciones Unidas se han adoptado medidas importantes para atender a tiempo y con eficacia a las necesidades de las personas internamente desplazadas. El Comité Permanente entre Organismos me ha encomendado la responsabilidad de actuar como centro de coordinación dentro del sistema de las Naciones Unidas con respecto a las cuestiones relacionadas con los internamente desplazados. En el desempeño de este mandato, me he comprometido a mejorar la capacidad de las Naciones Unidas en conjunto para responder a las situaciones de desplazamiento interno y a promover una firme coordinación y una división más clara de las responsabilidades institucionales así como a prestar el apoyo adecuado a los organismos operacionales.


This study examines the use of schools and universities for military purposes by government armed forces and opposition or pro-government armed groups during times of armed conflict or insecurity. Schools are used for barracks, logistics bases, operational headquarters, weapons and ammunition caches, detention and interrogation centres, firing and observation positions, and recruitment grounds.

The study highlights examples of good practice, in which governments have adopted policies that explicitly ban or restrict militaries from using education facilities.

The study also calls upon states, local organisations, and relevant international agencies to rigorously monitor military use of education institutions to devise effective, coordinated responses, including preventative interventions, rapid response, and both legal and non-legal accountability measures for those individuals or groups who contravene existing laws, judicial orders, or military orders.

Ce document énumère les instruments internationaux qui protègent le droit à l'éducation dans les situations d'urgence.


This Menu of Actions is published by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA), an inter-agency coalition formed in 2010 by organizations working in the fields of education in emergencies and conflict-affected contexts, higher education, child protection, and international human rights and humanitarian law who were concerned about ongoing attacks on educational institutions, their students and staff in countries affected by conflict and insecurity.


