Ce document énumère les instruments internationaux qui se réfèrent à droit à l'éducation des personnes en situation de handicap et les dispositions pertinentes.



This guide is part of the series of Guides on the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms published by the European Court of Human Rights to inform legal practitioners about the fundamental judgments delivered by the Strasbourg Court. This particular guide analyses and sums up the case-law under Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 as at June 2015 or when subsequently updated.


The new SUHAKAM report aims to increase the number of children with learning disabilities receiving inclusive and quality primary education by raising awareness of the challenges they experience in this regard, and identifying the gaps in information about education for these children. It is also designed to help build connections between government agencies and civil society to promote more participatory, transparent and accountable education policy. The document examines challenges to realizing the right to education for children with learning disabilities, including logistical difficulties in accessing learning facilities, inconsistent implementation of screening and assessment processes, the lack of adequate funding for programs, and the lack of adequate support in learning institutions. It also makes recommendations aimed at helping the government effectively improve access to education for this community. 

SUHAKAM’s research utilizes the four-step OPERA Framework for uncovering patterns of socio-economic rights deprivation and linking these deprivations to weaknesses in design or implementation of government policies. The analysis builds on a series of workshops in which SUHAKAM’s staff was introduced to OPERA’s tools, including the identification of indicators and benchmarks, gathering primary and secondary data, and analyzing budgets. Researchers at SUHAKAM deployed OPERA to clearly articulate the government’s legal obligations and to examine the current challenges that exist in realizing the right to education for children with learning disabilities. The project was spurred by concerns that a large number of children with learning disabilities appear to be excluded from primary education, while little accurate data is readily available in this regard. 

A recurrent theme in the report is the need for the government to gather and make available accurate disaggregated data on children with learning disabilities, along with related budgetary information. The report therefore recommends that the government collect such data and statistics on access to education among children with learning disabilities, at both the primary and secondary levels, and that the collection of this data be systematized and shared among all relevant government agencies.

Este informe se presenta con arreglo a la decisión 1/102 del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, y analiza uno de los temas de especial interés para el Relator Especial sobre el derecho a la educación: el derecho de las personas con discapacidad a una educación inclusiva. El derecho a una educación inclusiva implica la posibilidad de que todos los niños, niñas y adolescentes, independientemente de sus condiciones o diferencias, aprendan juntos. El paradigma de la educación inclusiva surge como respuesta a las limitaciones de la educación tradicional, calificada como patriarcal, utilitarista y segregadora, así como a las insuficiencias resultantes de la educación especial y de las políticas de integración de estudiantes con necesidades especiales dentro del sistema regular de educación.

El concepto de educación inclusiva se encuentra implícitamente comprendido en el párrafo 1 del artículo 13 del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, en los artículos 29 y 23 de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño; y expresamente, entre otros, en la Declaración de Salamanca y marco de acción para las necesidades educativas especiales, aprobados por la Conferencia Mundial sobre Necesidades Educativas Especiales: Acceso y Calidad en 1994 y en la recientemente adoptada Convención sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, que establece la obligación de los Estados de asegurar un sistema de educación inclusiva.

El informe recomienda una serie de medidas legislativas, de gestión y financieras que deberán ser adoptadas con el fin de que este derecho sea una realidad. Igualmente, se identifican algunos de los obstáculos que atentan contra el derecho a la educación inclusiva, con base en las respuestas enviadas por varios Estados y organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) a un cuestionario remitido por el Relator Especial, que tuvo por objeto constatar el nivel de aplicación de las normas internacionales en la materia. Entre otros obstáculos, se cita la discrepancia existente entre el marco jurídico y los recursos disponibles para la realización del derecho a la educación inclusiva, así como la falta de una verdadera voluntad política para tal fin.



Published in 2015, this document is the second of a series of thematic mappings on the implementation of the right to education, following a first edition on Girls’ and Women’s Right to Education. It presents concrete measures adopted by countries to ensure the full enjoyment of the right to education for persons with disabilities.

The document is based on national reports submitted for the Eighth Consultation on the monitoring of the implementation of the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education (1960) and the UNESCO Recommendation against Discrimination in Education (1960).

The first part of the document provides a thematic analysis of measures and promising practices that have been reported on by countries. The second part compiles in factsheets progress and challenges in constitutional and legislative frameworks and measures, for the 48 countries that reported on measures taken, out of the 59 reporting countries.

The document is intended to serve as a practical tool for both advocacy and monitoring. By highlighting concrete measures taken by countries, it also offers a basis for regional and international co-operation and shares promising practices from which other countries can learn.

Cette Convention a pour objet non seulement la lutte contre la discrimination dans le domaine de l'enseignement, mais aussi l'adoption de mesures visant à promouvoir l'égalité de chances et de traitement dans ce domaine. Elle s'inspire donc de deux principes fondamentaux distincts, qui figurent aussi bien dans l'Acte constitutif de l'Organisation que dans la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme dont les articles Z et 26 proscrivent toute forme de discrimination et visent à promouvoir le droit a l'éducation pour tous. Toutefois , la portée des engagements pris par les Etats varie selon qu'il s'agit de lutter contre la discrimination ou de promouvoir l'égalité des chances. En vertu de l'article 3 de la Convention, les Etats s'engagent à prendre des mesures immédiates en vue d'éliminer et de prévenir toute discrimination au sens de la Convention , d'empêcher les différences de traitement et d'interdire les préférences et les restrictions dans divers domaines


Adopted on 26 August 2016, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities clarifies and interprets the right to inclusive education as laid out in article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

More than 40 percent of Tanzania’s adolescents are left out of quality lower-secondary education despite the government’s positive decision to make lower-secondary education free.

This report examines obstacles, including some rooted in outmoded government policies, that prevent more than 1.5 million adolescents from attending secondary school and cause many students to drop out because of poor quality education. The problems include a lack of secondary schools in rural areas, an exam that limits access to secondary school, and a discriminatory government policy to expel pregnant or married girls.

For a summary, see here.

For an esay to read version, in English, see here.

This 94-page report found that South Africa has failed to guarantee the right to education for many of the country’s children and young adults due to widespread discrimination against children with disabilities in enrolment decisions. Human Rights Watch research in five out of South Africa’s nine provinces showed that children with disabilities face discriminatory physical and attitudinal barriers, often beginning early in children’s lives when government officials classify them according to their disabilities. 
