This two-days training module seeks to uncover how the right to education may be impacted by privatisation and explores methods for challenging privatisation that negatively impacts education rights. This document serves as the facilitator’s main module notes and should be used with the presentation slides. It contains a session-by-session breakdown of activities, including presentations, discussion questions, and group exercises. At the end of this session participants will have gained an awareness of:

  1. Develop an understanding of the right to education
  2. Become familiar with the key State obligations concerning the right to education that may be affected by privatisation
  3. Gain an understanding of education privatisation, including the forms and processes that may impact the right to education
  4. Practically apply the right to education to scenarios and consider the implications
  5. Explore strategies for applying a human rights based approach to education privatisation
Año de publicación: 
Right to Education Initiative
Tipo de recurso: 