Motala and Another v University of Natal (Supreme Court of South Africa; 1995)

In 1995, the parents of an Indian pupil brought a case against University of Natal because her application to medical school was rejected despite the satisfactory results she obtained in her qualifying examinations. They claimed that the admission process was discriminatory because it did not consider all the applications equally, but set higher admission standards for Indian students and lower ones for African students.

Decision on higher education tuition fees in public universities (Constitutional Court, France, 2019)

In 2019, the French Constitutional Court (Conseil Constitutionnel) was seized by student unions and associations regarding public higher education tuition fees concerning international students from outside of the European Union. The plaintiffs argued that under paragraph 13 of the preamble of the French constitution, public higher education should be equally accessible to all and free.

Case summary: Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER) Vs AG, Civil Suit No. 353 of 2016

In this case, ISER successfully petitioned the High Court seeking declarations to the effect that the government policy on public financing of secondary education in Uganda infringes on the rights to; equality and non – discrimination; and quality education as guaranteed under Articles 21; and 30 and 34(2) of the Constitution respectively.

Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER) Vs AG, Civil Suit No. 353 of 2016

In this case,  ISER successfully petitioned the High Court seeking declarations to the effect that the government policy on public financing of secondary education in Uganda infringes on the rights to; equality and non – discrimination; and quality education as guaranteed under Articles 21; and 30 and 34(2) of the Constitution respectively.

Case-law summary: Center for Civil and Human Rights v ŠM Primary and Nursery School

The Prešov Regional Court, one of the courts of appeals of the Slovak Republic, affirmed a lower court’s decision that schools cannot discriminate against children based on their ethnic origin or socially disadvantaged background. The Prešov Regional Court held that the defendant school was discriminating against children of Romani ethnic origin by placing those kids in separate Romani classes. It ordered that the school rectify the situation by the beginning of the next school year.

Sentencia T-363/16 (Colombia)

En esta acción de tutela por parte de un estudiante transgénero contra el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) Regional Atlántico, la Corte Constitucional defendió el derecho a la educación y ordenando que el estudiante pudiera usar uniforme masculino, fuera tratado correspondiendo a su identidad como hombre transgénero, y que se implemente un plan que provea el respeto y la promoción del libre desarrollo de la personalidad, particularmente las expresiones de la identidad de género y la orientación sexual. 

Sentencia T-008/16

En esta decisión, la sala octava de revisión de la corte constitucional de Colombia encontró que el Estado vulnero los derechos fundamentales a la educación y a la igualdad de cuatro niños que vivían por fuera del casco urbano al no proveerles transporte a la institución de educación secundaria más cercana. 
