Seguimiento del acceso y la participación en la educación superior desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos

La educación superior forma parte del derecho a la educación y está protegido por el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos. Esto significa que los Estados tienen la obligación de proteger, respetar y hacer realidad el derecho a la educación superior y que hay formas de hacerles rendir cuentas por las violaciones o privaciones del derecho a la educación superior. El derecho internacional de los derechos humanos establece que la educación superior debe ser accesible a todas las personas por igual, sin discriminación, en función de la capacidad.

Monitoring Access and Participation in Higher Education From a Human Rights Perspective

Publication front cover with text reading "Monitoring Access and Participation in Higher Education From a Human Rights Perspective" and photo of student protest with banner reading "Free education: no borders, no barriers, no business"

Higher education is part of the right to education, protected under international human rights law. This means that states have the obligation to protect respect and fulfil the right to higher education and that there are ways to hold them accountable for violations or deprivations of the right to higher education.

Planning to Fulfil the Right to Education: Methodological Guidelines and Toolkit

The purpose of these Guidelines and Toolkit is to describe the different operational tools developed to help education stakeholders systematically collect and analyse the efforts put in place to ensure the right to education. These efforts should be central to every educational planning or programming document. The resulting analysis should also bring to light different and challenging policy gaps in education.

How to Advance Children’s Rights using Recommendations from United Nations and Regional Human Rights Monitoring and Review Processes

International and regional human rights bodies monitor and review progress made on the implementation of human rights treaties on a regular basis and continuously issue recommendations to States to improve the situation of children’s rights in each country. Civil society plays a crucial role in monitoring progress and challenges for children’s rights on the ground. Civil society practitioners often know about these processes and contribute to these recommendations.

SDG 4: Quality Education - a legal guide

Quality education is fundamental to sustainable development. Education is the one of the most powerful tools by which people can lift themselves out of poverty and fully participate in their communities. SDG 4 sets specific targets to address the challenges of achieving quality education universally, and provides a comprehensive framework to reaching inclusive and equitable quality education for all. Beyond enrolment rates, SDG 4 puts a welcomed emphasis on quality education and learning outcomes. This Guide takes a deep dive into how the law can play a large role in achieving SDG 4.

Promoting Rights in Schools

The ten rights defined in this PRS framework describe what should be included in the approach of an ‘ideal’ school that offers quality inclusive public education and supports our work to secure and strengthen free, compulsory inclusive quality public education for all.

This collaborative approach between ActionAid and the Right to Education Initiative aims to secure free, compulsory, quality public education for all.
