Les organisations de la société civile demandent aux investisseurs dans Bridge International Academies à se désinvestir immédiatement, d'enquêter et d'y remédier les problèmes soulevés

45 organisations de la société civile reçoivent avec inquiétude le rapport d'enquête de conformité du Bureau du conseiller-médiateur (Compliance Advisor Ombudsman, CAO) sur l'investissement de la Société financière internationale (SFI) de la Banque mondiale dans les Bridge International Academies (BIA, également connues sous le nom d'écoles NewGlobe), et reconnaissent ses graves conclusions concernant les allégations d'abus sexuels sur des enfants dans la chaîne d'écoles à but lucratif de l'entreprise au Kenya.


Civil society organisations call on investors in Bridge International Academies to divest urgently and to address concerns raised

45 civil society organisations receive with concern the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman’s (CAO’s) Compliance Investigation Report into the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) investment in Bridge International Academies (BIA, also known as NewGlobe schools), and acknowledge its grave findings regarding allegations of child sexual abuse at the company’s for-profit chain of schools in Kenya.



Réclamer l'éducation publique pour toutes et tous

Dans un monde en proie à la fragmentation sociale, aux inégalités dommageables et à la détérioration de l'environnement, nous avons besoin plus que jamais d'une éducation publique de qualité, transformatrice et inclusive. Alors que nos systèmes politiques s'efforcent de résister à l'autocratie tout en promouvant la démocratie, l'éducation publique gratuite peut contribuer à former des populations bien informées, capables de relever ces défis mondiaux.

Le public soutient l'éducation publique, et l'éducation publique fonctionne.

Recuperar la educación pública para todas y todos

En un mundo que se enfrenta a la fragmentación social, a las desigualdades perjudiciales y al deterioro del medio ambiente, necesitamos ahora, más que nunca, una educación pública de calidad, transformadora e integradora. Mientras nuestros sistemas políticos luchan por resistir a la autocracia y fomentar la democracia, la educación pública y gratuita puede ayudar a crear un público bien informado con capacidad para abordar estos retos mundiales.

El público apoya a la educación pública, y la educación pública funciona.

Reclaiming Public Education for All

In a world facing social fragmentation, harmful inequities, and environmental deterioration, we need quality, transformative, inclusive public education now more than ever. As our political systems struggle to resist autocracy and to foster democracy, free public education can help create a well-informed public with the capacity to address these global challenges.

The public supports public education, and public education works.

RTE and more than 200 organisations and trade unions call for the adoption of the Africa Group resolution on a UN Tax Convention

On 11 October 2023, the Africa Group at the United Nations tabled a proposal calling for a comprehensive UN tax convention. Now, over 200 organisations and trade unions, among them RTE, have sent a letter to governments calling for the adoption of the Africa Group’s resolution, and stressing that this issue should be treated as a matter of highest priority and urgency.

Demanding accountability: Joint statement in response to reports of a child sexual abuse cover up at the World Bank

A statement signed by 33 organisations who are gravely concerned about the recent media report of child sexual abuse at Bridge International Academies in Kenya, and allegations that the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) for years turned a blind eye to the abuse.

Joint Civil Society call to action for equitable access to healthy, nutritious, sustainably sourced school meals

School meals play a critical role in children’s lives. They are an essential intervention in development and humanitarian contexts, proven to have long-lasting impacts across multiple Sustainable Development Goals and sectors, including food security, nutrition and health, education, water and sanitation, child protection, gender equality, and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. They are at the juncture of the right to food, the right to health and the right to education.

UK’s development finance ‘harming society and the environment’: civil society organisations respond to critical report by UK Parliamentary International Development Committee

This joint statement signed by RTE and 18 CSOs responds to a report published in September 2023 by the International Development Committee (IDC) of the UK House of Commons, entitled ‘Investment for development - The UK’s Strategy towards Development Finance Initiatives. The report’ raises major concerns about the UK’s investments as part of development aid which the signatory organisations working on education share and reiterate.

RTE and GI-ESCR statement on the UN Special Rapporteur's report - Securing the right to education: advances and critical challenges (A/HRC/53/27)

This written statement was submitted by GI-ESCR and RTE during the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. It was submitted in relation to the presentation of the report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education: Securing the right to education: advances and critical challenges (A/HRC/53/27).
