Charte africaine des droits et du bien-être de l'enfant
Lignes directrices relatives aux rapports des Etats parties sur les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels dans la Charte africaine des droits de l'Homme et des peuples (Lignes Directrices de Tunis)
The Rights of Children with Disabilities: The Duty to Protect, Respect, Promote and Fulfill
Protocole relatif à la Charte Africaine portant sur la Création d'une Cour Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples
Protocole à la Charte africaine des droits de l’Homme et des peuples relatif aux droits des femmes en Afrique
Convention de l'Union Africaine sur la protection et l'assitance aux personnes déplacées en Afrique - Convention de Kampala
Juma Musjid Primary School v Essay (Constitutional Court of South Africa; 2011)
In this decision, the Constitutional Court of South Africa held that an eviction order obtained by an owner of private land on which a public school was located could not be enforced where it would impact students’ right to basic education and the best interests of the child under the South African Constitution (sections 28 and 29). The Court held that a private landowner and non-sate actor has a constitutional obligation not to impair the right to basic education under section 29 of the Constitution.
Some Children are More Equal than Others: Education in South Africa
Fighting to Learn… A Legal Resource for Realising the Right to Education
South Africa is in the unique position of having the right to education guaranteed in the Constitution. The law has been used to advance this right by translating what is on paper into a reality for thousands of learners across the country. The LRC and partners have been at the forefront of civil society efforts in achieving this. We wanted to share our successes.