RTEI Pilot Report - April 2016.png

RESULTS Educational Fund has put out a Call for Applications for Civil Society Organisations to be part of the 2016 round of the Right to Education Index (RTEI).
RTEI is a global index designed to monitor national progress towards the realisation of the right to education. Partners gather the information required to construct RTEI and use those findings to hold governments accountable to their commitments and increase public and political support towards the realisation of the right to education. The core of this phase of the partnership is around completing the RTEI Questionnaire and developing country briefs based on the findings. A revised Questionnaire will be used for RTEI 2016 and will be made available to partners ahead of data collection.
In 2015, RTEI was piloted with partners in Chile, Nigeria, the Philippines, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. RESULT Educational Fund now seeks to conduct a fifteen country first official round of RTEI in 2016.
The deadline for applications is May 25, 2016.
Details about the Call for Applications can be found here.
Background to the Right to Education Index
RTEI is a global accountability initiative based on the bank of indicators developed by the Right to Education Project. It aims to ensure that people from all over the world enjoy their right to a quality education, and further to make civil society, governments, and the international community monitor commitments made around the right to education. It is also a diagnostic tool revealing obstacles preventing the realisation of the right to education in a country and potential remedies to them.
Ultimately RTEI objectives are to:
- Strengthen the expertise and capacity of civil society and education advocates
- Increase public and political support for realising the right to education
- Hold governments and institutions accountable for their commitments to the right to education
- Uphold the right to education for every child and adult everywhere
The RTEI Pilot Report can be accessed here.
More information about the RTEI can be found here.