Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education: Securing the Right to education: advances and critical challenges

In her first report to the Human Rights Council, 25 years after the establishment of the mandate on the right to education, the Special Rapporteur reviews achievements, particularly on how the right to education is understood today and the obligations it entails, as well as contemporary and emerging issues that need to be considered to ensure the right to education for all, today and in the future.



South African Constitutional Court confirms that the right to basic education encompasses access to final exams

The right to a basic education is one of the only socio-economic rights in the South African Constitution that is unqualified. This means that it is not subject to ‘progressive realisation’ within available resources – such as, for instance, the rights to further education, housing, healthcare, food, and social security. The right to basic education is immediately realisable, regardless of available resources.

17 نيسان (أبريل) 2023

Right to Education Initiative’s contribution to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education’s report on the right to education, advances and challenges

This documented was submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education in February 2023, in response to a call for contributions for a report she is developing for the UN Human Rights Council.

Can profit-making in education be justified? Celebrating the Abidjan Principles Third Anniversary

The Abidjan Principles are now entering into their fourth year. In a relatively short period, they have achieved widespread recognition across multiple fields, with official recognitions now totalling ten.

28 شباط (فبراير) 2022

Informe de la Relatora Especial sobre el derecho a la educación: el derecho a la educación de las personas migrantes

De acuerdo con el derecho internacional la educación es un derecho humano fundamental. Aunque debería ser un derecho cuyo ejercicio estuviera al alcance de todo el mundo, los migrantes deben hacer frente a varios retos en el disfrute de su derecho a la educación. En el presente informe, la Relatora Especial se propone comprender estos retos y considerar la situación de facto y de iure del derecho a la educación de los migrantes en todo el mundo.

Rapport du Rapporteur spécial sur le droit à l'éducation : le droit à l'éducation des migrants

L’éducation est un droit humain fondamental en vertu du droit international. Alors que tout le monde devrait pouvoir s’en prévaloir, les migrants font face à de multiples obstacles dans l’exercice de leur droit à l’éducation. Dans le présent rapport, la Rapporteuse spéciale s’attache à comprendre ces obstacles et examine la situation, de facto et de jure, du droit à l’éducation des migrantes et des migrants dans le monde.

Decision on higher education tuition fees in public universities (Constitutional Court, France, 2019)

In 2019, the French Constitutional Court (Conseil Constitutionnel) was seized by student unions and associations regarding public higher education tuition fees concerning international students from outside of the European Union. The plaintiffs argued that under paragraph 13 of the preamble of the French constitution, public higher education should be equally accessible to all and free.

Human Right to education: horizons and meanings in the post-pandemic

Latin America in movement cover

The Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE, by its Spanish acronym) is a pluralistic network of civil society organizations with a presence in 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, which promotes social mobilization and political advocacy to defend the human right to education. This collection of articles, essays and statements reflect on the vital role of public education in the region and the fault lines exposed by the pandemic, considering both the challenges public education in Latin America faces and possible solutions, alternatives and ways forward.
