World Declaration on Education for All and Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs

The Framework for Action is the companion to the World Declaration on Education for All and is intended as a reference and guide for national governments, international organisations, educators and development professionals as to the formulation of their own plans for action for implementing the World Declaration.



Derechos de educación. Una guía para los profesionales y activistas

Este paquete desarrolla una serie de ideas y metodologías para poner en práctica un planteamiento de la educación basado en los derechos humanos. Se concentra en seis sectores estratégicos, que son esenciales para trabajar en educación con un planteamiento basado en los derechos humanos y que proporcionan un marco para este trabajo.

Tax, Privatisation & Education: Influencing Education Financing Policy to Transform Children’s Lives (1)

Right to Education Project and ActionAid are delighted to announce a small but ambitious project to deliver high-quality, human rights-based research on the impact of ‘low-cost’ private schooling on the right to education, the decline in government provision of education and the benefits of a fairer tax system.

20 تموز (يوليو) 2015

Louisiana Federation of Teachers v Louisiana (Supreme Court of Louisiana; 2013)

The Supreme Court of Louisiana held that Louisiana’s ‘Minimum Foundation Program’, which allocates educational funding to schools, could not be used to provide funding to privates schools by way of a voucher programme. It ruled that to do so violated article VIII, section 13 of the Louisiana Constitution, which establishes how monies are to be allocated to public schools based on a formula adopted by the state board of education.

Bush v Holmes (Supreme Court of Florida; 2006)

In this decision, the Florida Supreme Court held that a voucher program providing public funds to students to obtain private education failed to comply with article IX, section 1 of the Florida Constitution, which requires the state government to make adequate provision for education through a uniform system of free public schools. This decision confirms Florida’s constitutional obligation to provide high quality, free public education – a duty that cannot be discharged by funding unregulated private schools through a voucher or scholarship program.
