Los actores no estatales en la educación ¿QUIÉN ELIGE? ¿QUIÉN PIERDE?

El papel de los actores no estatales se extiende desde la impartición de enseñanza escolar hasta las intervenciones en varios niveles de educación y esferas de influencia. A la par de su examen de los progresos realizados en la consecución del ODS 4, comprendidos los nuevos datos sobre las repercusiones de la pandemia de COVID-19, el Informe de seguimiento de la educación en el mundo 2021-2022 insta a los Gobiernos a considerar todas las instituciones, los alumnos y los docentes como parte de un sistema único.

Minding the data: protecting learners’ privacy and security

Tech in Education

The COVID-19 pandemic greatly accelerated the use of digital technologies in education. But beyond the emergency response, there is an international trend towards exploring how artificial intelligence and data-based analytics can support learning, learning assessments, and evidence-based policy planning processes. The use of data in education is a double-edged sword.

Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education: Protecting the right to education against commercialization

In this report, the Special Rapporteur looks with concern at the rapid increase in the number of private education providers and the resulting commercialization of education, and examines the negative effects of this on the norms and principles underlying the legal framework of the right to education as established by international human rights treaties. He highlights the repercussions of privatization on the principles of social justice and equity and analyses education laws as well as evolving jurisprudence related to privatization in education.