Children’s Right to Early Education in the City of Buenos Aires: A Case Study on ACIJ’s Class Action

Case study of Argentinian Superior Tribunal of Justice litigation settlement related to the case of ACIJ v the City of Buenos Aires. Though the Constitution of the City of Buenos Aires establishes a duty for the city government to provide all children over 45 days old with access to education, since at least 2002 thousands of children were denied early education. Civil society organisation ACIJ successfully used budget analysis and strategic litigation to pressure the city government to meet its obligation to its children.


Bright and Early: How Financing Pre-Primary Education Gives Every Child a Fair Start in Life.

This paper shows that pre-primary education has not yet achieved the level of priority necessary in domestic policies and budgets, with nearly all low-income countries dedicating less than 5 per cent of their education budgets to pre-primary education. The most disadvantaged, marginalised and vulnerable, who stand to gain the most from investments in pre-primary education, are frequently left behind.

A Review of Research on the Effects of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) upon Child Development

This report considers international research on the impact of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) provision upon children's development, using studies reported from a wide range of sources including journals, books, government reports and diverse organisation reports. 


A Guide to General Comment 7: “Implementing Child Rights in Early Childhood"

This volume illuminates the drafting process that led to the publication of General Comment No. 7, on ‘Implementing Child Rights in Early Childhood’, by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Following the Introduction, Section I describes the Day of General Discussion 2004 on ‘Implementing Child Rights in Early Childhood’. Section II contains the text of General Comment No. 7, along with a brief analysis.

RTE's statement at UNESCO webinar: Ensuring quality of learning and well-being for young children in the context of the COVID-19

Statement made by UNESCO during UNESCO webinar on ‘Ensuring quality of learning and well-being for young children in the context of COVID-19’ held on 15 July 2020. It highlighted the human rights dimension of early childhood care and education (ECCE).

Roma Early Childhood Inclusion: Special Report on Roma Inclusion in Early Childhood Education and Care

This report consists of three main chapters. The first chapter enumerates all the mechanisms contributing to the development of educational inequalities in the Czech Republic’s education system, which are summarised to provide a context for the focus of this report—the ECEC of Roma children.
