توفر هذه المكتبة الالكترونية موارد من مشروع الحق في التعليم وكذلك من المنظمات الشريكة الأخرى، كما ويمكنكم تحديد الموارد ذات الصلة حسب الموضوع والمنطقة والبلد ونوع المحتوى واللغة. الرجاء ملاحظة أن الموارد ستكون متاحة بلغات أخرى قريبا. انظر أيضا قائمة قواعد البيانات المفيدة للحصول على معلومات عن إنفاذ الحق في التعليم على المستوى الوطني

Resolución del Consejo de Derechos Humanos (A/HRC/47/L.4/Rev.1), titulado "El derecho a la educación".




L'enseignement public est souvent critique comme étant inefficace et inefficient. Cependant, lorsque des lacunes dans l'enseignement public sont identifiées, elles peuvent souvent être attribuées non pas à un manque de compétence, mais a un manque de volonté politique. En examinant sept exemples d'enseignement public dans les pays en développement, cette recherche montre que, contrairement aux idées reçues, l'enseignement public peut être l'approche la plus efficace, efficiente et transformatrice de l'éducation et, surtout, qu'il est possible de développer un enseignement public de qualité partout, y compris dans les pays du Sud.



La educación pública a menudo es criticada por ser ineficaz e ineficiente. Sin embargo, cuando se identifican las deficiencias en la educación pública, muy frecuentemente ellas no pueden ser atribuidas a la falta de capacidad, sino a la falta de voluntad política. Al revisar siete ejemplos de educación pública en países en desarrollo, esta investigación muestra que, en contraste directo con ideas ampliamente difundidas, la educación publica puede ser un abordaje mas eficaz, eficiente y transformador de la educación y - lo mas importante -, que es posible desarrollar una educación pública de calidad en todas partes del mundo.


When working on human rights issues, you should consider a person’s right to decide whether they want to be featured in written, recorded or audiovisual work. 

It is an ethical consideration which protects individuals from exploitation. It is also a legal requirement:  in many countries you cannot share, store or publish content if consent has not been obtained. 


This list contains 51 indicators relevant to the monitoring of education under attack. They are divided into four sections - Attacks on schools and universities; Attacks on students, teachers and other educational personnel; Military use of schools and universities; and transversal or cross cutting indicators, which apply to more than one category and that are crucial to the analysis from a human rights’ perspective.

Each indicator is accompanied by comments and supplementary detail. 

La Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación (CLADE) es una red de organizaciones de la sociedad civil fuertemente comprometida con la plena realización del derecho humano a la educación pública, gratuita, sin discriminación de ningún tipo, con justicia social y ambiental para todas las personas. En ese sentido, hemos venido trabajando, desde hace más de una década, la temática relativa al financiamiento adecuado, con recursos públicos, por el fortalecimiento de la educación pública, cuestionando las tendencias a la privatización y mercantilización en educación. La presente publicación – una continuidad de esos esfuerzos – resulta de una investigación con el propósito de evidenciar si y en qué grado los marcos legales de la región permiten el lucro en la educación en su etapa obligatoria. El estudio incluyó a nueve países de América Latina y el Caribe: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Haití, Honduras, México, Paraguay y Perú. Nuestro punto de partida y referencial para realizarla es el marco de los derechos humanos y su reafirmación por encima de los intereses económicos. 

In recent decades, governments have made considerable efforts to provide education for all. However, a large gap remains between international commitments, such as the Sustainable Development Goal 4, and the actual achievement of inclusive and equitable quality education for all. As a result, certain actors often critique public education as ineffective and inefficient, and thus incapable of addressing this issue. They argue for privatisation as a solution, deeming private providers as more innovative and effective than public ones. However, shortcomings in public education often arise not from lack of capacity, but lack of political will.

This review of examples of public education in low- and middle-income countries shows that, in direct contrast to widely disseminated (and empirically unvalidated) ideas, public education can be highly effective, efficient and transformative and, crucially, it is possible to develop quality public education everywhere. 

In recent decades, governments have made considerable efforts to provide education for all. However, a large gap remains between international commitments, such as the Sustainable Development Goal 4, and the actual achievement of equitable quality education for all. As a result, certain actors often critique public education as ineffective and inefficient, and thus incapable of addressing this issue. They argue for privatisation as a solution, deeming private providers as more innovative and effective than public ones. However, shortcomings in public education often arise not from lack of capacity, but lack of political will.

This review of examples of public education in low- and middle-income countries shows that, in direct contrast to widely disseminated (and empirically unvalidated) ideas, public education can be highly effective, efficient, and transformative and, crucially, it is possible to develop quality public education everywhere. 

Public education is often critiqued as ineffective and inefficient. However, where shortcomings in public education are identified, they can often be attributed not to lack of capacity, but lack of political will. Reviewing seven examples of public education in developing countries, this research shows that, in direct contrast to widely disseminated ideas, public education can be the most effective, efficient, and transformative approach to education, and, crucially, it is possible to develop quality public education everywhere.


The Right to Education Initiative's Annual Report 2019 includes information about us, the activities we have undertaken as well as our key achievements and impacts in our thematic areas: Privatisation and human rights; Monitoring of the right to education; and the right to education of migrants.
