Key resource

This factsheet on 10 Human Rights Standards for Education Privatisation is intended to serve as a tool for education and human rights advocates on the topic of the privatisation of education and the right to education.  It provides basic information on the right to education as it relates to education privatisation, focusing on the most central international human rights legal standards that relate to privatisation. The factsheet may be used to raise awareness among government officials, policy-makers, donors, teachers, private education providers, and other education stakeholders.  It will also aid civil society organisations in understanding education privatisation as a human rights issue and in developing a rights-based position.

Key resource

This country factsheet on Kenya is intended to assist practitioners identify the key national laws and policies relevant to the right to education; analyse their strengths and weaknesses; and detect the gaps between laws and policies, and practice; in order to use the empirical data collected to help define a human rights-based advocacy strategy.

It provides an overview of the obligations of the government to realise the right to education: the instruments (laws, policies, and budget) and mechanisms (commissions, courts, etc) that exist in the country to implement the right to education, and recommendations made by various national and international stakeholders (UN Agencies, NGOs…).

This legal factsheet explains the specific legal obligations international human rights law imposes on states to eliminate harmful gender stereotypes and wrongful gender stereotyping.

Factsheet detailing the legal and policy framework in Kenya applicable to early and unintended pregnancy and the right to education. 

This legal factsheet accompanies the Right to Education Initiative’s multimedia essay Caught in the crossfire: The right to education in eastern Ukraine. It has been made available for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. 

This policy brief on education under covid-19 and beyond highlights the importance of education in just and equitable recoveries. The document is a review of the impacts of the pandemic on education and recommends four key areas of action to implement sustainable education beyond covid-19.


Este documento ofrece una visión concisa y útil del derecho a la educación, en particular en el contexto del actual debate constitucional en Chile. 

Cette fiche d’information est basée sur le rapport sur les interrelations entre le droit à l'éducation et les droits à l'eau et à l'assainissement, y compris l'hygiène et la santé menstruelle. Il a été publié par la Rapporteuse Spéciale sur le droit à l'éducation qui entend construire une approche holistique des droits de l'homme, et souligne que les droits à l'eau et à l'assainissement sont des conditions préalables à l'efficacité du droit à l'éducation.

Le document présente les différentes problématiques liées au sujet, donne des données utiles et propose une série de lignes directrices que les États et les acteurs responsables devraient suivre.

This factsheet is based on the report of the Special rapporteur on the right to education on the interrelations between the right to education and the rights to water and sanitation which intends to build a holistic approach on human rights, and highlights that rights to water and sanitation are prerequisites for the efficiency of the right to education.

The document presents the different issues related to the subject, gives useful datas, and proposes a range of guidelines that states and responsible stakeholders should follow.

