تم تبني القرار الخاص بالحق في التعليم خلال الدورة العادية الثالثة والخمسين لمجلس حقوق الإنسان التابع للأمم المتحدة ، في الفترة ما بين 19 يونيو و 14 يوليو 2023.



Resolution A/HRC/53/L.10 on the right to education was adopted during the 53rd ordinary session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, between 19 June and 14 July 2023. 


ESPAÑOL     FRANÇAIS      العربية

La Resolución A/HRC/53/L.10 sobre el derecho a la educación fue adoptada en la 53ª sesión ordinaria del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas, entre el 19 de junio y el 14 de julio de 2023.



La résolution A/HRC/53/L.10 sur le droit à l'éducation a été adoptée lors de la 53e session ordinaire du Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies, entre le 19 juin et le 14 juillet 2023.



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This documented was submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education in February 2023, in response to a call for contributions for a report she is developing for the UN Human Rights Council.

School meals play a critical role in children’s lives. They are an essential intervention in development and humanitarian contexts, proven to have long-lasting impacts across multiple Sustainable Development Goals and sectors, including food security, nutrition and health, education, water and sanitation, child protection, gender equality, and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. They are at the juncture of the right to food, the right to health and the right to education. They also offer enormous potential for the catalysation of food systems, with nutritious, locally-grown and appropriate foods, creation of jobs and contributions towards livelihoods, among other benefits. Civil society organisations have an essential role to play in supporting school meals programmes globally through collective advocacy, technical assistance, capacity sharing and fostering partnerships. 

This joint statement contains our calls to action for equitable access to healthy and nutritious, sustainably sourced school meals.


Le présent rapport de la Rapporteuse spéciale sur le droit à l’éducation, Farida Shaheed, est soumis à l’occasion du vingt-cinquième anniversaire de la création du mandat relatif au droit à l’éducation. Dans son rapport, la Rapporteuse spéciale passe en revue les résultats obtenus dans le domaine du droit à l’éducation et expose la manière dont on conçoit ce droit et les obligations qui en découlent, ainsi que les questions contemporaines et nouvelles dont il convient de tenir compte pour garantir le droit à l’éducation pour tous, aujourd’hui et à l’avenir.


ENGLISH     ESPAÑOL     العربية

Este informe de la Relatora Especial sobre el derecho a la educación, Farida Shaheed, se presenta con ocasión del 25º aniversario del establecimiento del mandato sobre el derecho a la educación. En su informe, la Relatora Especial examina los logros realizados en este ámbito, cómo se entiende el derecho a la educación y las obligaciones que conlleva, así como cuestiones tanto contemporáneas como emergentes que deben tenerse en cuenta para garantizar el derecho a la educación para todos, hoy y en el futuro.


ENGLISH     FRANÇAIS      العربية

يق دم هذا التقرير الذي أعدته المقررة الخاصةة ةم الم نيم قالي لت الت يري لريدة ،ةة ةاسدي قمنا ةة ة م الذكرى السةة ةنويم الخامسةة ةم وال اةة ةرين ناةة ةاة الوحيم المت قم قالي لت الت يرة وتقدم المقررة الخاصةة ةم لت التت تيققت لت هذا المجالي وكيفيم لار الي لت الت ير واحلتزامات المترت م تقريرها ا ت ارضا لإلنجا ازت ع يهي لضةة ع عن القضةةايا الم اصةةرة والنا،ةةنم التت يت سن النجر لساا من أجف ضةةمان الي لت الت ير ل جمي ي لت الوقت الياضر ولت المستقبفة



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The past two years (2021-2023) have been marked by important progress in the area of ECCE and reflection on the implications in terms of normative framework and related rights implementation. UNESCO brought together 40 key actors in ECCE for three high-level meetings resulting in the Global Partnership Strategy for Early Childhood (GPS) in 2022. This led to the Second World Conference on ECCE (WCECCE) in November 2022 in Uzbekistan. The international community gathered at the WCECCE also discussed ECCE rights and normative framework during a specific session based on the analysis of a Thematic Report produced for the event entitled ‘Building and strengthening the legal framework on ECCE rights: achievements, challenges and actions for change’.
This paper unfolds the various parameters related to ECCE rights areas that would need to be considered while reflecting on how to better strengthen enforcement of ECCE through the normative framework. In that regard, with the adoption of the Tashkent Declaration states committed to “Examine the feasibility of supporting and enshrining the right to ECCE in a legal international instrument including in the context of the Evolving Right to Education Initiative led by UNESCO”. This workshop meeting report, summarising discussions with ECCE experts, strengthens this discourse and takes it forward.

