Educación privada de bajo coste en el Perú: un enfoque desde la calidad

El informe "Educación privada de bajo coste en el Perú: un enfoque desde la calidad" ha sido realizado conjuntamente por un equipo de investigación de la Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona y del Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo de Lima y ofrece un panorama actual de la distribución de la oferta privada en el Perú, con especial atención a Lima Metropolitana y, en particular, al distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho.

Privatización educativa en Uruguay: políticas, actores y posiciones

Privatizacion educativa, Uruguay, politicas, legislacion, actores

A lo largo de las últimas décadas, las políticas pro privatización han cobrado un lugar central en muchos procesos de reforma educativa a escala global (Burch, 2009). El avance de estas políticas se explica parcialmente por el impacto de una serie de factores comunes de carácter externo –incluyendo presiones derivadas de la globalización económica o el rol de organizaciones internacionales con una preferencia por las soluciones de mercado. Sin embargo, en su implementación, estas políticas no responden a un modelo homogéneo en cuanto a sus fines, sentidos, diseños y temporalidades.

Judgment T-363/16 (Colombia)

In this action brought by a transgender student against the National Service of Education (SENA), the Constitutional Court defended the right to education and the free development of the person by ordering that the student be allowed to wear a male uniform, that he be treated in accordance with his identity as a transgender man, and that the SENA implement a plan that promotes the respect and free development of the person, particularly regarding expressions of gender identity and sexual orientation.

César Alan Rodríguez

In this decision, the Court found that the right to education of a disabled child had been violated when the educational institution did not award an official certificate of completion for his secondary education, even after the student had met all the requirements of his personalised education project (proyecto pedagógico individual or PPI) because his PPI did not comply with the minimum requirements under local regulations.

Privatisation of Education and Rights Violations in Brazil: Notes for the Committee on the Rights of the Child

This present document, produced by the Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education (Brazilian Campaign) and the NGO Ação Educativa, aims to present a brief overview of the ongoing privatization processes in education in Brazil and its negative impacts on the achievement of the human right to education of children and adolescents, as a contribution to the II Alternative Report on the Situation of the Rights of the Child in Brazil organized by the National Association of Centers for the Defense of Child Rights (Associação Nacional dos Centros de Defesa da Criança e do Adolescente - Anced).
