21 تشرين الثاني (نوفمبر) 2024

On 20-21 November 2024, our ECCE Programme Manager, Rajakumari Michael, and our director, Delphine Dorsi, participated in the inaugural Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of the Global Report on ECCE organized by UNESCO in Paris and online.

The meeting gathered key stakeholders active in advancing the ECCE agenda according to the Tashkent Declaration, including: 

  • agencies tasked with co-publishing the joint biennial Global Report on ECCE (UNESCO, UNICEF, The World Bank, World Health Organization, International Labour Organization, and OECD - OCDE, along with Global Partnership for Education)
  • UNESCO Member States representatives
  • Academics and Institutes
  • Civil Society organizations and networks
  • Foundation and private sector 

This meeting build on the development of the UNESCO / UNICEF joint first Global Report on ECCE: the right to a strong foundation, launched in June 2024, which provides a comprehensive overview of global, regional, and national ECCE trends, synthesizing scientific evidence on the importance of ECCE, including parenting, and highlighting persistent gaps in policy, practice, capacity, and investment. 


The aim of this meeting was to achieve agreement, consensus on, and commitment from all participants to the roadmap to ensure effective collaboration for the preparation of the 2026 Global Report on ECCE and beyond.


Our team enjoyed the rich discussions and interactions with the members and look forward to contributing to the development of the next Global Reports on ECCE, bringing our human rights expertise.


For more information on ECCE, visit our ECCE issue page.