6 نيسان (أبريل) 2022

A new brief from RTE presents a detailed analysis of the early childhood care and education (ECCE) related content in the reports by Special Rapporteurs on the Right to Education between 1999 and 2021. This research investigates the different dimensions of ECCE referred to in both thematic and country visit reports published by the four successive Special Rapporteurs, namely Ms. Katarina Tomasevski (Croatia 1998-2004), Mr. Vernor Muñoz Villalobos (Costa Rica 2004-2010), Mr. Kishore Singh (India 2010-2016), and the present Special Rapporteur, Ms. Koumbou Boly Barry (Burkina Faso 2016 - present).

It focuses on inclusion, a frequent feature in Special Rapporteur reports, and considers how both the 4A’s framework and pertinent issues regarding the challenges faced by disadvantaged communities in realising their right to education at different levels are addressed by the four mandate holders. 

Crucially, we find a focus on the exclusion of different disadvantaged groups from education at the early childhood stage, and its impact on their lifelong learning process. This research synthesises the in-country situations and examples of best practice detailed in successive reports, and documents the key policy recommendations of Special Rapporteurs, ranging from general recommendations on inclusive ECCE through legal frameworks, and specific recommendations considering ways in which ECCE can be effectively harnessed to tackle inequalities and discrimination in education. 

The brief was written by Rajakumari Michaelsamy and Silke D'helft. Read the full brief here.